In mathematics an irreducible polynomial is roughly speaking a polynomial that cannot be factored into the product of two non-constant polynomialsThe property of irreducibility depends on the nature of the coefficients that are accepted for the possible factors that is the field to which the coefficients of the polynomial and its possible factors are supposed to belong. Il ny a peut-être rien qui donne aux esprits forts un prétexte plus plausible dinsulter les religions que la manière dont agissent ses défenseurs Vous manquez darguments de. Uderzo L Irreductible Numa Sadoul Albert Uderzo Memes Movie Posters 1 day agoIRREDUCTIBLE FILM. . Further reading irréductible in Trésor de la langue française informatisé Digitized Treasury of the French Language 2012. In abstract algebra irreducible can be an abbreviation for irreducible element of an integral domain. Translation of irréductible in English. Creationists oppose design t...